On 10/9/2014 1:17 AM, Tom Kerekes
tk@... [DynoMotion] wrote:
Hi Sam,
Those are big number so they should not be limiting speed.
You are specifying a Feed rate of 0.1 inches/minute. That would be very slow. For a Radius of 1 inch it would be:
0.1ipm / (1inch x 2Pi) = 0.0159 rad/minute = 0.912 deg/minute = 0.0152 degrees/sec
But the speed should change with the specified radius in the Trajectory Planner Screen. You said it changes "slightly" What does that mean?
Try specifying a much higher Feedrate.
Post the Radius you are specifying, the Feedrate Specified, and the Rate you are observing.
Here are some examples:
A Motor Counts/degree: 400
Velocity deg/sec: 100,000
Accel Deg/sec2: 200,000
Radius Inches=1
Interpreter Length Mode=inch
All speeds are approximate, gauged by watching the DRO
G01 F.01 A360 (~.01 degrees/sec)
G01 F.1 A360 (~.1 degrees/sec)
G01 F1 A360 (~1 degrees/sec)
G01 F2 A360 (~1 degrees/sec)
G01 F10 A360 (~1 degrees/sec)
G01 F50 A360 (~1 degrees/sec)
G01 F100 A360 (~1 degrees/sec)
G01 F1000 A360 (~1 degrees/sec)
It looks like slow feedrates, less than or equal to 1 are working, but feedrates larger than 1 are capped or clipped at 1 degree/sec.
Just as a reminder, this is all being done through KMotion dotnet.